During your daily life, while browsing the streets and shops or while resting at your home, you must see electric wires, which all have different purposes and functions. Each of these wires is designed and installed for a specific task. It is important what type of wire is used for electrical work to prevent irreparable problems. Wires are an integral part of any electrical system, or more importantly, our daily life, so wires are carefully designed and selected according to the application and working environment. Considering this issue, in the continuation of this article from Arian Abhar wire and cable, we intend to explain to you the wire and semi-extruded wires and state in what cases these types of wires can be used.

What types of wires are wire and semi-dispersed wires?
First, we need to define the types of wires:


Wire, which is also known as fixed installation wire and dry wire, is called a wire that is single-stranded, and their conductor material is usually made of copper. Also, the insulation used in this type of wire is made of PVC. These types of wires have very high flexibility and their resistance is also very high.

Wire wires are used in the internal wiring of electricity distributors. He also used this type of wires inside the pipes and under the plaster. The nominal voltage in wire wires is 300 to 500 volts, in wire wires with sections of 50, 75 and 1 square mm, and 450 to 750 volts for wire wires with a cross section of more than 1 square mm. There is also a wire with an aluminum conductor in the market, the price of which is cheaper than the wires made of copper metal, which are usually used by manufacturers who attach great importance to the quality of work for the production of wire.

Study suggestion: wire with inflexible conductor


Semi-conductive wire

Semi-spun wire is not made up of a strand, but a set of twisted wires. The smallest diameter of the twisted wire in the semi-radiating wire is numerically equal to 1.04, which creates a size 6 wire. This amount can be increased up to the diameter of 2.85. The structure of the semi-extruded wires is almost the same as the wire wires. Because of this similarity between wire and semi-expanded wires, they are also used in similar work fields. There are also differences between wire and semi-fluid wires; The only difference between wire and semi-dispersed wires is the greater flexibility of semi-dispersed wires.

Semi-transparent wires are mostly used in the wiring of residential and commercial buildings for their lighting. These wires can also be used under plaster. It is also suitable to use this wire in the internal wiring of electrical panels and distributors.

A few tips about wire and semi-fluid wires

Now that you are familiar with wire and semi-insulated wires, we will give you some tips about these wires:

What is meant by dry wire, ground wire or flexible wire?

In completing the definition of wire and semi-dispersed wires, it can be said that the diameter of these types of wires is more than 10 mm. These types of wires are less flexible due to their thickness, which is why they are called dry wires. There are also wires called Afshan wires, which are called flexible wires due to the fact that their diameter is much smaller than other wires.

In addition, due to the fact that there is usually no need for high flexibility in cables buried in the ground like cables installed in trays, ladders and conduit pipes, and also due to their lower price compared to sprinkler cables, it is preferred over it. In technical cases, wire and semi-extruded cables such as NYY, NYRY, etc. are used, for this reason, wire and semi-extruded wires are also called ground cables.

When buying wire, pay attention to its quality:

If you buy a low-quality wire, it can affect the amount of current passing through it. To put it more simply, if you want to pass the maximum allowed current through this conductor (for example, 1.5 wire), the wire or cable in question will get hot and it is possible that after some time its insulation will be lost and cause a connection in be system You can buy the best type of wire with the best quality and the lowest price by receiving advice from Arian Abhar Wire and Cable Industry Complex and you will not need to replace wires for years.

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