Shieldar power cable and its specifications
Shielded cable and the characteristics of the shield in the cable: Shielded cable is a cable with a simple base ...
May 16, 2022articles
What is a three-phase power cable and where ...
In this article by Arian Abhar wire and cable, explanations are given about three-phase electric cable. Three-phase power ...
May 16, 2022articles
Two-core power cable with copper and aluminum conductor
In this article from Arian Abhar wire and cable, we have explained about two-core power cable with copper and ...
May 16, 2022articles
Wire and semi-expanded wires
During your daily life, while browsing the streets and shops or while resting at your home, you must see electric ...
May 16, 2022articles
Conductors used in electrical wires
In this article from Arian Abhar wire and cable, we have explained about the conductors used in electric wires. Stay ...
May 16, 2022articles
Types of power cables
The types of power cables are as follows: single strand Two majors Three strands Four strings Five courses Power cables ...
May 16, 2022articles
SQM technology: Super fast and high resolution surface quality ...
The SQM works like a linear camera that takes the form of an (A-shaped ring and the wire thread ...
May 16, 2022articles
Comparison of copper and aluminum cable
Comparison of copper and aluminum cable Wires and cables are one of the most important and widely used electrical equipment ...
May 16, 2022articles
What is wire cable?
In the discussion of industry and hardware, wire has a different meaning. Wired cable is a cable that is single ...
May 16, 2022articles
Investigating the history of Kabul Afshan
Afshan cable design and production history dates back to the late 70s. When they produced the first cable, they were ...
May 16, 2022articles